Maximale Vielseitigkeit und Hochseefähigkeit! Im Letzteren wird Aluma Storm 477 über alle Analoga emporgeragt.
Aluma Storm 477
Basic configuration
We put SAFETY and RELIABILITY at the forefront in the design of our boats. Therefore, we paid special attention to the hull of our boat. Our boats have the MOST POWERFUL AND RELIABLE power set among analogues.
Powerful — because it is designed with a large margin of safety.
Reliable — because we make a power set of the same material as the body. Everything is cut out of the same marine aluminum and welded into a single structure.
The power set of our boat consists of six stringers and seven frames with a maximum spacing size of 50 cm. The height of the frames and stringers is calculated with a considerable margin, based on extremely extreme operating conditions, and the special design of our transom allows you to install motors up to 130 hp.
Such a number of stringers and frames, their size and location guarantee the reliability of the body with a significant margin.
Typically, maximum shock loads occur in the second quarter of the boat, so the stringer in our boats reaches the first frame to give maximum reinforcement in this part of the hull!
POWERFUL POWER KITMegafunctionality
There are several solutions for the manufacture of blocks of buoyancy in boats. The overwhelming majority of foreign manufacturers have been using two-component foam for many years.
- Durability. Foam is not subject to destruction from contact with gasoline or the environment.
- Foam with a closed cell practically does not absorb water.
- Foam gives the body even greater rigidity and serves as an excellent sound insulation.
We use only two-component foam with a closed cell with a density of 41 kg per cubic meter.
To get the right final product, you need to use only the best equipment, since in the process of mixing the two components of the foam it is necessary to very accurately observe both the temperature regime and the consistency of the components.
In our case, the Graco apparatus is responsible for this.
the unsinkable conducted a test